Изучены процессы диэлектрической релаксации растворов додецилсульфата натрия (ДСН) в диапазоне концентраций в бинарном водно-этанольном растворителе при различных концентрациях спирта. Показано, что этанол в концентрациях ниже 40% не препятствует мицеллообразованию ДСН, а при более высоком содержании этанола мицеллы ПАВ не образуются. Тем не менее данные ЯМР показывают наличие в растворах с высокой концентрацией спирта малых ассоциатов, скорее всего димеров ДСН, свойства и подвижность которых зависят от состава водно-этанольной среды. Обсуждены трансформации структуры и размеров комплексов при изменении содержания этанола в растворе.
The processes of dielectric relaxation of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) solutions were studied in a range of concentrations in a binary water-ethanol solvent at various alcohol concentrations. It was shown that ethanol at concentrations below 40% does not interfere with the formation of SDS micelles, and at a higher ethanol content, surfactant micelles do not form. However, NMR data show the presence of small associates, most likely SDS dimers, the properties and mobility of which depend on the composition of the water-ethanol medium, in solutions with high alcohol concentrations. Transformations in the structure and size of the complexes observed upon changing the ethanol content in the solution are discussed.
Идентификаторы и классификаторы
- 54.057. Синтез
- Префикс DOI
- 10.33910/2687-153X-2024-5-2-49-59
- 73162529
Ethanol is present in biological systems as a product of various chemical and biochemical reactions in living systems. The same applies to a variety of amphiphilic compounds, for example, lipids and fatty acids, the spontaneous association of which is an integral step in various biochemical processes. From the point of view of fundamental and applied research, it is necessary to represent the dynamic behavior and self-association features of various chemical compounds not only in aqueous, but also in water–ethanol solutions, which can be considered as a local environment for the functioning of biomacromo-lecules with different polarities and microstructures. In addition, we should not forget about the use of ethanol in technological schemes, where it is used with various functional implications. Given the development of renewable energy and the increasingly widespread use of ethanol as a biofuel, interest in regulating the properties of ethanol mixtures through various structuring additives is growing. This, in particular, explains the continuous interest in water–ethanol compositions as a medium in which various organic compounds acquire new properties.
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