We compare the error behavior of two methods used to find a numerical solution of the linear integro-differential Fredholm equation with a weakly singular kernel in Banach space C1[a,b]. We construct an approximation solution based on the modified cubic b-spline collocation method. Another estimation of the exact solution, constructed by applying the numerical process of product and quadrature integration, is considered as well. Two proposed methods lead to solving a linear algebraic system. The stability and convergence of the cubic b-spline collocation estimate is proved. We test these methods on the concrete examples and compare the numerical results with the exact solution to show the efficiency and simplicity of the modified collocation method.
Идентификаторы и классификаторы
Integro-differential equations are considered one of the most well-known mathematical equations, which are used in many fields, for instance in physics [1, 2], biology [3], dynamics [4, 5], medicine [6], computer science [7], etc. Their explicit form varies depending on the studied scientific task. A big number of these equations have been investigated previously in different papers on the relevant topics. Among them, the equations with a weakly singular kernel in the non-linear Volterra form [8–10], in the non-linear Fredholm form [11], in the linear Fredholm form [12] or in the non-linear Volterra-Fredholm form [13] play a prominent role. For example, they are extensively applied in the network studies [14, 15], in COVID-19 researches [16] and others. Because of the great number of forms of these equations, the study of the analytical solution is difficult and generally impossible. However, nowadays the various numerical methods and techniques are known to find good approximations of their solutions, namely the domain decomposition method [1], the degenerate kernel [12], the product trapezoidal rule [8, 9, 11, 13, 17], the meshless local discrete collocation technique [18], the projection method [19] and the Fourier series [20].
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