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Книга: A Century of Telemedicine: Curatio Sine Distantia et Tempora

The book “A Century of Telemedicine: Curatio Sine Distantia et Tempora” is now in your hands. “The Past supplies the key to the Present and Future“. These words belong to an ancient historian who understoood the necessity of studying history. History tells us how we came to know what we know today. The importance of history was summarized by Marcus Tulius Cicero (106-43 BC), roman writer, politician and great orator almost 2000 years ago: “Not to know what has been transacted in former times is to always remain a child. If no use is made of the experiences of past times, the world will always remain in the infancy of knowledge”. These words are especially applicable to the necessity of studying history of medicine. The latter is much more than the history of doctors, nurses and medical discoveries. The patients are actually the most important part of the broad picture. No doubt, throughout human evolution, health and diseases always were matters of main concern and had a profound effect on human society, shaping it.

Формат документа: pdf
Год публикации: 2016
Кол-во страниц: 345 страниц
Загрузил(а): Кутукова Арина
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