Вирус СOVID-19 унёс тысячи жизней. Породил мировой экономический и социальный кризис.
Цель статьи – привлечь внимание к управлению взаимодействием вируса и человека. Сформулированы следующие задачи. 1. Купирование (минимизация) активности вируса в организме человека. 2. Профилактика (минимизация) распространения вируса при максимизации экономического роста. 3. Использование сознания (динамических стереотипов) для формирования навыков защиты от вирусов, усиления иммунитета и использования вирусов с пользой для человека. 4. Постановка задачи сосуществования вируса (биосферы) и человека. Анализ этих задач позволил сформулировать варианты решений и представить на обсуждение механизмы реализации: базы врождённых и приобретённых навыков, методы самообучения и самоорганизации и практику сознательного созидания стереотипов. Некоторые из этих возможностей рассмотрены в этой статье.
Авторы разработали и успешно используют индивидуальную терапию на основе саморегуляции и центральной организации вегетативных функций. Исследовано формирование стереотипов и доминант в эксперименте на животных и в клинике при лечении.
Главный вывод: сегодня доминанта сознания людей акцентирована на социальных проблемах общества. Внутренней сфере практически нет места в сознании. Нужно переориентировать доминанту нашего сознания на решение задач внутренней сферы организма для сохранения баланса. В частности, во взаимодействии человека с СOVID-19.
Widespread introduction of mobile robotics in various spheres of human activity
makes the problem of mass disposal of expired, outdated and faulty robots topical. When disposing of
each type of mobile robots, it is necessary to take into account peculiarities of its design, composition
of on-board equipment and take into account environmental risks in case of destruction of the robot
structure with its fragments getting into the environment. Depending on the type and purpose of
robots, their disposal and recycling have significant features. This paper analyzes the problems
associated with the disposal of different types of autonomous mobile robots. The main sources of
environmental pollution present in the components of robots: electronic components, accumulator
batteries, constructional materials, connecting cables are considered. The environmental impact of
different types of mobile robots and the prevailing types of waste during their disposal are determined.
Widespread introduction of mobile robotics in various spheres of human activity
makes the problem of mass disposal of expired, outdated and faulty robots topical. When disposing of each type of mobile robots, it is necessary to take into account peculiarities of its design, composition of on-board equipment and take into account environmental risks in case of destruction of the robot structure with its fragments getting into the environment. Depending on the type and purpose of robots, their disposal and recycling have significant features. This paper analyzes the problems associated with the disposal of different types of autonomous mobile robots. The main sources of environmental pollution present in the components of robots: electronic components, accumulator batteries, constructional materials, connecting cables are considered. The environmental impact of different types of mobile robots and the prevailing types of waste during their disposal are determined.
Widespread introduction of mobile robotics in various spheres of human activity
makes the problem of mass disposal of expired, outdated and faulty robots topical. When disposing of each type of mobile robots, it is necessary to take into account peculiarities of its design, composition of on-board equipment and take into account environmental risks in case of destruction of the robot structure with its fragments getting into the environment. Depending on the type and purpose of robots, their disposal and recycling have significant features. This paper analyzes the problems associated with the disposal of different types of autonomous mobile robots. The main sources of environmental pollution present in the components of robots: electronic components, accumulator batteries, constructional materials, connecting cables are considered. The environmental impact of different types of mobile robots and the prevailing types of waste during their disposal are determined.
Widespread introduction of mobile robotics in various spheres of human activity
makes the problem of mass disposal of expired, outdated and faulty robots topical. When disposing of each type of mobile robots, it is necessary to take into account peculiarities of its design, composition of on-board equipment and take into account environmental risks in case of destruction of the robot structure with its fragments getting into the environment. Depending on the type and purpose of robots, their disposal and recycling have significant features. This paper analyzes the problems associated with the disposal of different types of autonomous mobile robots. The main sources of environmental pollution present in the components of robots: electronic components, accumulator batteries, constructional materials, connecting cables are considered. The environmental impact of different types of mobile robots and the prevailing types of waste during their disposal are determined.
The following goals were set within the scientific work: to create a method, an
algorithm and a program for compression of raster (pixel) graphic information using special
mathematical methods, or affine transformations. The main task was to provide a high degree of image compression with a minimum deterioration of image quality. An original method for replacing a large number of pixel blocks in the source image by a relatively small number of the most suitable specially created domain blocks was developed. Affine transformation consists in moving any domain block from a set to any part of the image, while ensuring maximum similarity of source and domain blocks.
To implement the method, an algorithm and a program in the modern and popular Python language have been developed. We have considered the example of image transformation in grayscale of 256x256 pixels using domain blocks created from 4x4 pixel image areas. The result is an image visually indistinguishable from the original image, which requires only 0.3125 of the original information to describe. Calculations were also performed with a smaller number of domain blocks.
The developed method and program proved a high degree of compression of bitmap images with preservation of their quality. It is possible to further improve the described algorithm and the program presented on the author’s site by simultaneous application of different types of affine transformations.
It is shown that the same method can be used not only for image processing, but also for the detection of similarity (fractal properties) in any flow of information.
This paper analyzes artificial acoustical impact inside natural clouds, in particular inside the non-precipitated stratiform clouds, non-precipitating shallow cumulus clouds, and Cu-clouds with drizzle. Optimal power and frequency for acoustical impact were indicated based on properties of natural cloud, such as liquid water content, droplet concentrations, and the average diameter size of a droplet ensemble followed by lognormal or gamma size distributions in the presented consideration. The model is constructed to ensure collisions of neighboring droplets when they vibrate in acoustical field to merge with mass unification, but the process is designed with a minimum required level of acoustic power for comfort realization in practice. Vibration model of suspended droplets with typical size in cloud is analyzed. The optimized acoustic power is near 130 dB, and frequency f 50 – 100 Hz, and detailed characteristics are indicated for each cloud type depending on their parameters. Simple formulas and typical calculations for droplet amplitude are presented in terms of parameters of acoustical field as well as cloud characteristics. The first low-frequency acoustic experiments for clouds are performed and presented. The low-frequency method has shown a promising potential to be used for precipitation enhancement to tackle water shortage problem in the modern world.
Regularities of a production system development are discussed on the basis of the notion that progress in human economic activity is related to advances in the technological use of human effort and energy sources, which are regarded as the most important societal production resources. The concept of substitutive work of equipment P is introduced, which in all respects is equivalent to the efforts of people in production; it can be considered a service of capital, and is regarded as a value-forming factor, along with the traditional production factors. System output (value production) is defined as a function of three variables, two of which are: labour L and substitutive work P, are regarded as active sources of value, which allows us to introduce an energy measure of value, while physical capital K, as a production factor, plays a passive role. Under the assumption that the production system seeks to use all available social resources defined by circumstances external to the system, equations for production factors are formulated; they are also accompanied by equations for the technological characteristics of production equipment. The trajectory of the system development is determined by the characteristics of the system itself and the availability of social resources, which cannot be used completely simultaneously, which leads to a change of modes of development and fluctuations in output, i.e. business cycles. Using the example of the U.S. economy, it is demonstrated that the system of equations is able to describe the observed trajectory of development and output of the production system.
A simple explanation of the most mysterious classical mechanics and theoretical physics concepts - inertial and non-inertial reference systems, the forces of inertia, the motion of bodies by inertia on the basis of a simple vortex model of solids and D’Alembert’s paradox, as well as on the equilibrium conditions of incompressible fluid and the principle of attached masses for potential flows are proposed. A new interpretation of Newton’s three laws is presented on the basis of the resulting model.
We propose a structural scheme for the origin and unfolding of the large solar cycle as a group of physical phenomena that are registered on the surface of the Sun and include the so-called 11-year and 27-day (Carringtonian) cycles of solar activity. The model considerations are quite general because they exclude the specifics of natural systems; physical laws are not used; only the structural aspect is studied. The basis for consideration is the protostructure, i.e. according to the conception, a primary system of relations, which is considered on the numerical axis. The system is represented as a network consisting of nodes, or allowed states, and links, i.e. rules responsible for stability, both of which are set by the protostructure. An order parameter, n, or hierarchically the most significant characteristic of the system, is formed on the basis of two additional relative characteristics. The order parameter and shifts of its positions relative to the initial positions are the basis for the analysis of structural events.
The protostructure has previously been used to analyze the structure of the solar system in the ecliptic plane, where the role of the order parameter, n, is played by the relative angular momentum. In particular, the stages of the Sun’s burning from initial mass to the currently known mass, as well as the relationship of mass with the minimum radius of the Sun and the eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit have been investigated. The nodal complex responsible for the formation of the observed characteristics of the great solar cycle, Halley’s Comet, the asteroid belt, and the Chiron body was also identified. The analyses of already available model constructions, as well as the involvement of several hypotheses allow us to combine these results and present a set of structural scenarios describing the emergence and unfolding of the great solar cycle from its formation to the present. At present, the observed solar radius is 4.649*10-3a.u. When the model solar radius changes within the range of (4
The author has extended possibilities of axiomatic method for writing deductive theories in biology and anthropology and their parallel systematization by creating an algorithm consisting of 32 rules. The algorithm is based on the hypothesis that all words are deductible from each other and on the hypothesis that the properties of the living beings are periodically repeatable when they are arranged in a row. The hypotheses made it possible to find two periodic systems similar to D.I. Mendeleev’s system. These systems help to determine the order of axioms in a row of theories. The algorithm is supplemented by links of axioms that are similar in the non-living, living, and intelligent worlds with notions of symmetry. The work can raise the axiomatic method to a new level also in the area on unification of knowledge.
Non-physical approaches to the definition of the nature of “dark energy” and “dark matter” are discussed due to the fact that the physical nature of these phenomena has not yet been defined. The possibility of considering information on a par with matter and energy is shown. This possibility is substantiated by the results of psychological research within the framework of integral information theory, the results of physical research within the framework of self-simulation hypothesis and Vopson’s principle of mass-energy-information equivalence, as well as by the results of system research by means of systems-objects approach. The systemic nature of Universum is investigated. Its informational structure in the form of a systems-classes (conceptual systems) hierarchy determining the systems-events (material systems) properties providing real interactions is substantiated by means of the systems-objects approach. The similarity between the systems-classes hierarchy of Universe and the hierarchy of concepts in the human mind on the level of verbal-logical thinking is confirmed. The presented results support the well-known formulation of the strong anthropic principle. The connection between the systems-classes hierarchy properties and the known “dark energy” and “dark matter” properties is shown.