In the context of sanctions pressure on Russia the issues of import substitution in the field of digital technologies are getting even more urgent. Highly qualified specialists with respective competencies are in short demand in the country. The government take some measures to that end, but they can solve all the problems. Engagement of required specialists from abroad - those working on a remote basis - could improve the situation. However, there are certain unresolved issues in the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and some other countries, including members of international economic integration organizations such as the Eurasian Economic Union that hinder this process. Identification of hindrances and restrictions preventing free movement of human resources in EAEU member states and efficient use of remote work in the field of IT is what this paper is dedicated to. To that end the actual situation unfolding in the labor market of the field of IT on the territory of EAEU member states has been analyzed, and so has been labor and other legislation of member states regulating the labor of remote workers and the academic literature and papers published in the periodicals. The system analysis and comprehensive review of sources and comparative legal studies have become the main methods of research. As a result, legal and organizational restrictions preventing efficient application of remote work of IT specialists typical for some or even all EAEU member states have been identified. Also, there have been suggested some ways to overcome the identified restrictions that can be implemented by adopting new legal provisions or by amending the existing ones.
Usage of neural network technologies, namely various learning and self-learning programs that gather, analyze a great volume of information on an employee and manufacturing process, have an access to a worldwide network, are integrated with video-, audio-, and other fixation systems by employers generates new economic and technological and social and legal risks. Inconsistence of labor and information legislation in the field of protection of personal data of employees determines novel conditions for potential violations of rights of employees and growth of the quantity of labor conflicts. Separate problems are caused by gathering and treating personal data with artificial intelligence and far from all of them are technical in nature, even if determined by specific features of neural network technologies. This article discusses main risks for personal data of employees under conditions of usage of specific neural network technologies for staff recruitment and supervision over employees, including monitoring in order to ensure the safety of work performance. With this object in view, labor codes, laws, and bylaws on labor protection, laws on protection of personal data of the countries of the EAEU. Systemic and complex analysis of sources of legal regulation and comparative legal studies were primary investigative techniques. In consequence of this, legal and social risks of usage of neural network technologies for staff recruitment and organization of supervision over compliance with labor discipline by employees, especially in regard to the provision of safe labor conditions, as well as discrepancies between labor and information legislations were revealed. Several methods for overcoming revealed discrepancies, which allow to ensure a proper protection of employees’ rights in the field of protection of personal data before long, were proposed.
Introduction. Coronavirus infection has received much attention over the past three years. In addition to its enormous social significance, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted a number of conceptually new clinical aspects of human immunopathology. Due to a higher susceptibility to infectious complications, this problem is particularly relevant for patients suffering from autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases (AIRDs). In the presence of AIRDs, the possibility of developing a wide range of delayed COVID-19 effects becomes most likely. According to the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance registries, of 600 cases of new coronavirus infection in patients with AIRDs, about 46% required hospitalization.
From the dawn of development of modern medical science, the aspect of physiological impact and co-relation of climate and cosmological events have been grossly neglected. At, this point of time in human history when stand at the verge of a vehemently aggressive climate change and unprecedented and sudden cosmological events, it’s indeed important to retrospect into the same from the perspective of physiology and pathology. The current article puts forward many aspects of conditioning of human body in relation to surrounding climate and cosmological events. Few attempts by individuals and societies of doctors to study the same have been made from classical to modern times. This review paper discusses and puts forward the co-relation of climate and cosmological events with human physiology in a summary with regards to already conducted scientific studies. The research objective: is to draw attention of scientific community and medical fraternity towards the aspect of co-relation of climate and cosmological events with human physiology.
Materials and methods: a wide scale literature review from classical, neo-classical and modern medical findings. Results and discussion: the article gives a comprehensive overview of how climatic conditions and cosmological events results into adaptation of medical parameters in human beings.
Conclusion: Human beings are just another species from the animal kingdom living on this planet Earth. We are not surrounded by nature, but we are nature. It is important for us as a civilization to investigate and learn the biological and material co-existential relationship with nature.
The article is devoted to Responsibilities of a transport university for the development and dissemination of advanced competencies in the fi elds of transport and transport education in the context of the expanding BRICS space
В рецензируемой книге “Я знаю , что так писать” собраны некоторые дневники из архива “Прожито”, а также анализ и полезные описания каждого дневника. Основу этого тома составляют дневники Александра Бардовского, Анисима Никулина, Софьи Гутшебаш, Нины Обуховой-Духовской, Берты Злотниковой, Александра Гришкевича и Владимира Томилина. Эти дневники содержат ценную информацию, аналогичную тем, которые были получены в ходе этнографических исследований. Они могут помочь в изучении исторически обоснованных социальных наук и способствовать интерпретации, репрезентации и сопереживанию. Однако важно отметить, что рассказы из первых рук имеют ограничения и не должны заменять строгие методологии и теоретические основы. Автор также указывает на необходимость включения блокады в более широкий контекст войны и выживания. Ленинградская блокада - всего лишь один случай из многих других во всем мире. Сравнивая эти истории с опытом разных регионов и войн, исследователи могут сделать вывод.
The genus Raphignathus Dugès (Acari: Raphignathidae) of Asian Russia is reviewed. Raphignathus sakhalinensis sp. n. is described based on female and male specimens collected from spruce bark on Sakhalin Island; R. longipes sp. n. is described based on female and male specimens collected from various regions of Russia (Bashkortostan, Tyumenskaya Oblast, the Respublika Altay and Kamchatka). Raphignathus fani Doğan and Ayyildiz and R. ozkani Doğan are recorded from Russia for the first time and redescribed. Raphignathus gracilis (Rack) is recorded from Asian Russia for the first time. A key to the species of Raphignathus of Russia is also provided.
Одним из способов повышения качества разговорных агентов является персонификация.
Персонификация улучшает качество взаимодействия пользователя с разговорным агентом и повышает удовлетворенность пользователей за счет повышения консистентности и специфичности ответов.
Диалог с агентом становится более последовательным, минимизируется противоречивость ответов, которые оказываются более конкретными и интересными.
Для обучения и тестирования персонифицированных разговорных агентов требуются специфичные наборы данных, содержащие факты о персоне и тексты диалогов персон, в
репликах которых используются факты о персонах.
Существует несколько наборов на английском и китайском языках, содержащие в описании персоны в среднем пять фактов.
Диалоги в наборах данных составлены пользователями краудсорсинга, которые многократно имитировали различные персоны.
В данной работе предложена методика сбора оригинального корпуса данных, содержащего расширенный набор фактов о персоне и естественные диалоги между персонами.
Новый корпус данных RuPersonaChat основан на трех различных сценариях записи: интервью, короткая беседа, длинная беседа.
Впервые собран корпус данных для персонификации разговорных агентов, включающий естественные диалоги и расширенное описание персоны.
Предложена дополнительная разметка набора данных, которая ставит в соответствие реплики персоны и факты о персоне, на основе которых она была сформулирована.
Основные результаты:
Разработана методика сбора оригинального корпуса тестовых данных, позволяющего осуществлять тестирование языковых моделей для решения большего количества задач в рамках разработки персонифицированного разговорного агента.
Собранный набор данных включает 139 диалогов и 2608 реплик.
Корпус использован для тестирования моделей генерации ответов и вопросов. Наилучшие результаты получены с использованием модели Gpt3-large (перплексия равна 15,7).
Собранный корпус данных RuPersonaChat может быть использован для тестирования п
Technological developments have fostered cross-border e-Commerce transactions. This study aims to reconstruct the concept of the meaning of physical presence in the criteria for identifying foreign individuals and foreign entities as permanent establishments. Reconstruction uses the terminology of physical presence, which is adjusted to the presence of a new post-pandemic order, namely maintaining distance in certain situations. The term maintaining distance is translated as the distance between foreign individuals, foreign entities, and service users. This study proposes a reconstruction of the concepts of physical presence, the subject of permanent establishments, and the objects of permanent establishments. The concept of Significant Economic Presence is relevant to the fulfilment of three criteria: revenue, digital, and user. The reconstruction of permanent establishments involves determining the digital and user aspects. Reconstruction of permanent establishments involves determining the digital aspect of income. This study proves the hypothesis that the addition of Significant Economic Presence criteria to the determination of permanent establishments in e-commerce transactions increases the fairness of taxation rights in the source country. Therefore, it is necessary to review the determination of permanent establishments, especially e-commerce transactions, which are not limited to a physical presence with a wider scope through revenue, digital, and user criteria. This study makes a theoretical contribution to the significance of economic presence by replacing the meaning of the physical presence of a permanent establishment. Thus, the potential for permanent establishment taxation is not limited to the potential value-added tax but can also be on the potential income tax.
On the basis of publications of recent years, the contemporary state of the world market for rhenium and the economics of production and trends of development of rhenium-containing products are reviewed.
The article presents a brief history of the formation of representations in the category of «complexity». Modern interpretations of the term in various Sciences are shown. The system approach to understanding complexity is most fully stated.
The paper discusses extreme precipitation recorded at 14 weather stations on the western coast of the Black Sea according to reanalysis data and at two weather stations according to observation data. Comparison of observation data with reanalysis data has been carried out. The relationship between extreme precipitation at each station and elementary circulation mechanisms (ECMs) has been analyzed according to typing by B.L. Dzerdzeevsky, V.M. Kurganskaya and Z.M. Vitvitskaya. The ECMs at which precipitation extremes were observed simultaneously at several stations were identified. It was determined at which ECMs on the western coast of the Black Sea extreme precipitation events occur most often and the multi-year changes in the duration of these ECMs were analysed.