There are the main points of the derivation of the differential equations of the Earth’s rotational motion. The periods of oscillation of the Earth’s axis are grounded by the angular momentum theorem. The constants of the equations, the initial conditions, and the theory of their computations are discussed. The results of integrating the equations over time intervals from 0.1 year to 1 million years are considered. The theory of solutions transformation to the mobile plane of the Earth’s orbit is considered for millions of years, and the solution results are presented at different time intervals from 100 years to 20 million years. The evolution of the Earth’s axis is analyzed. It is established that the Earth’s axis precesses with respect to a fixed direction in space, which differs from the direction of the precession of planetary orbits. Physical explanations of the received oscillations of the Earth’s axis from 14.68° to 32.68° are given. The oscillations of the Earth’s rotation period are shown. Evidence of the reliability of the solutions obtained is presented. The work is of interest to a wide range of researchers in the fields of astronomy, paleoclimate and geophysics.

Издание: The complex systems
Выпуск: № 1 (7) (2020)
Автор(ы): Смульский Иосиф Иосифович
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